Following A Web Design Process
Following A Web Design Process – Smashing Magazine.
Excellent and simple breakdown of the web design process… to me this falls under the 4D scheme.. which works.
Following A Web Design Process – Smashing Magazine.
Excellent and simple breakdown of the web design process… to me this falls under the 4D scheme.. which works. a really cool design inspiration site
Good design has always been about not just putting content first, but making it easy to read that content — give people what they’re looking for or they will go elsewhere.
via Take Responsive Design Beyond the (Fluid) Grid | Webmonkey |
Excellent Read!!!!
Way cool.. in Safari..
Signup Form Usability and Design Best Practices.
Honest usability techniques when applied properly will expand your site layouts beyond the elite in web design. When you can open your mind to new ideas it’s possible to manifest brilliant visions into your web pages. This hierarchy plays double for user interface objects and forms.
How a Good Facebook Fan Page Should Look Like: Tips, Best Designs | Inspired Magazine.
Some decent FB Page designs…
Free Website ROI Calculator Google Spreadsheet – Smashing Magazine.
Is your website doing the job you are paying for it to do? The Website ROI Calculator (ROI being “return on investment”) can get you started with setting goals and following them up in order to make the most of your website. The calculator can be used throughout the website’s lifespan, from planning to termination. Update the figures in the calculator at set intervals in order to see how your website or campaign is doing, and take action depending on the results.
LukeW | An Event Apart: The Responsive Designer’s Workflow.
Notes by our favorite UX and Mobile buy LukeW from the latest “an event apart”… These are his notes from the Responsive Designer book I mentioned earlier. Quality stuff!
WOW.. just WOW. The implications are endless… very relevant with our adventure into responsive design!!!
Microjs: Fantastic Micro-Frameworks and Micro-Libraries for Fun and Profit!.
This seemed like a good list for the coders jabrones out there.
FitText – A plugin for inflating web type.
Looks like a great idea for headlines for fluid and responsive designs
That. is. awesome.!!!!
How Designers Can Avoid Making Mistakes | Psdtuts+.
PageLime – Simple CMS for Web Designers.
Really easy ti use CMS just add class=”cms-editable” to whatever objects you want to make editable….
Free for 3 sites attached to a single email
this seems 2 ez…. 2 ez to be true?
How do detect Android Tablets in general. Useragent? – Stack Overflow.
Here’s a quick JS that should work (NOT TESTED!!)
function detectMobile(){
if( (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i)) ||
(navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i)) ||
(navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i)) ||
(navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i)) ||
(navigator.userAgent.match(/android/i)) ||
(navigator.userAgent.match(/webOS/i)) ||
(navigator.userAgent.match(/BlackBerry/i)) ||
(navigator.userAgent.match(/Opera Mobi/i)) ||
) {
if ( (navigator.userAgent.match(/android/i)) && (navigator.userAgent.match(/Mobile/i)) ) {
//android mobile phone
} else {
//android tablet
window.location = “mobile/index.aspx”;
Traditional e-commerce is getting a boost from its newly aspiring counterparts: Meet Mobile, Social and Tablet Commerce. With the emergence of these new forms of online commerce at our fingertips, traditional ways of buying online have gotten easier. What’s your preferred easy button for shopping digitally?
via Online Digital Commerce Easy Buttons: Mobile, Social & Tablet Commerce – Ecommerce Gets Easier.
Normalize CSS : necolas/normalize.css @ GitHub.
Pretty cool:
Normalize.css is a customisable CSS file that makes browsers render all elements more consistently and in line with modern standards. We researched the differences between default browser styles in order to precisely target only the styles that need normalizing.
Top 20 social media monitoring vendors for business.
Good list (via our former fearless leader)
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