We’ve heard questions from brands and businesses around how News Feed works; how to get distribution for Pages’ messages; and how Promoted Posts can reach more of their intended audiences.
Our goal in news feed is always to show someone the most relevant information from the things they are connected to on Facebook. We think about Page content similarly to how we think about content from friends: We want to show people the things that are most meaningful to them from their connections. A really good Page post, like a friend’s photo or status update, that gets a lot of engagement, has a better chance of being shown in news feed. In this way, we can keep news feed an engaging service where people come to get the information that is most interesting to them.
Below we try to offer even more clarity on how this all works.
read the rest: via Facebook Studio :: Blog | News Feed, Engagement, and Promoted Posts: How They Work | Latest News and Updates.
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