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  • Bobby 8:39 am on July 17, 2012 Permalink |
    Tags: PR, , standards   

    Finally! PR industry develops social media measurement standards 

    With hundreds of service providers who offer secret sauces and black-box solutions, how can a PR pro know if his results approximate reality? How does he compare reports from one vendor to the next?

    There is good news. Thanks to a cross-industry collaboration of PR trade bodies—social media analytics, advertising and word-of-mouth associations, and a handful of blue-chip client companies—the industry is definitely making progress.

    via Finally! PR industry develops social media measurement standards | Articles | Main.

  • greg 12:01 pm on January 24, 2012 Permalink |
    Tags: standards,   

    Mobile is amazingly versatile, and design for mobile is about the culture of your audience, the tasks they are trying to complete, and the context in which they are completing them. Design for mobile and therefore mobile standards need to be approached from a human perspective. The primary purpose of mobile standards is the same as if they were created for a more traditional interface. From a business perspective, they are created for two reasons:

    Standards save time and money by avoiding duplication of effort by developers and designers across projects and interfaces.

    Standards enable the creation of interfaces that are efficient and familiar to users, thereby increasing usability and decreasing the learning curve.

    These two benefits should be fulfilled in any guidelines documentation. But with the advent of standardization of mobile interfaces, there are so many other ways guidelines can be expanded to serve the audiences they affect: the developers and designers who implement solutions based on the standards, and the end-users of the products being created.

    excellent read at Raising the Bar for Mobile Standards | UX Magazine.

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